Netilat yadayim cup

(Zaporizhia Regional Museum of Culture and Traditions)
A cup with two handles for "netilat yadayim" (ritual hand-washing).
Netilatnitsa #1
The cup of cylindrical shape is made of an alloy with high copper content and is used for ritual hand-washing. To the cup two curved handles are riveted. The upper part of the left handle is repoussed and reminds squama. To te handle the head of snake is soldered. The vessel is convex in the middle and has a protruding rim of bottom. The neck of netilat yadayim cup is short and slightly bent outwards. On the bowl the ornament in the form of rings that constitute a chain in the center and six triangles at the top and bottom, is carved.
Museum / institution
Zaporizhia Regional Museum of Culture and Traditions
Inventory number in the institution
В - 394
Author, place of production
History, source, type and date of acquisition
Found in 1966. Transferred to the museum by V. N. Peshanov on the 18th of December in 1972.
Production period
Religious holiday / lifecycle
for religious use
Religious holiday / lifecycle, comment
Immediately after awakening the hands should be washed until the wrist with blessing: first need to take a cup to the right hand and move it to the left, pour the water on the right hand to the wrist, and then pass the cup in the right hand and pour on the left hand, and so thrice. Before the meal with bread "netilat yadayim" also should be done: first three times the right hand and after thar the left one should be washed from the bowl with blessing. Hand washing has cabbalistic sense and helps purge the soul before performing of other important commandments.
the beginning of XVII - middle of XVIII
copper alloy
Dimensions, cm
height: 16.00
Diameter (mm)
Preservation condition
Description of the preservation condition
The surface of the cup is patinated, has scratches. The upper part of the fixing of right  handle is damaged. Right handle is thinner and more worn, the head of the snake lost.
Restoration is recommended.
Current location
in storage