The book "Mahzor. Holiday prayers. Part V"

(Mykolaiv Regional Museum of Culture and Traditions)

The book "Machzor for Shavuot" is a  prayer book in Hebrew to the Giving of the Torah holiday.

Mahzor. Holiday prayers. Part  V #5
Mahzor. Holiday prayers. Part  V #7
Mahzor. Holiday prayers. Part  V #2
Mahzor. Holiday prayers. Part  V #3
Mahzor. Holiday prayers. Part  V #1
Mahzor. Holiday prayers. Part  V #4
Mahzor. Holiday prayers. Part  V #6
In the book "Machzor for Shavuot" contains prayers in Hebrew according to nusach Ashkenaz for Shavuot (the Giving of the Torah) holiday. Along with prayers in the machzor there are comments "Likutei yakarim", "Mishley Yehuda" to them. The title page of machzor contains the elements of national art-design (floral ornament) in black and white. On the back of the front page there is the inscription: "Vilna, printing house of Romm's widow and brothers on the corner of Dukhovsky and Glukhogo alleys Duhovskoho and deaf Per., Sobstv. Home № 1-2" below. There are two types of typographical font on each page: the largest letters on the top (the text of prayers) and the small letters below (the text of comments). Page numbering in Arabic numerals and Hebrew letters. The cover of the book is made of cardboard of light wood color and the spine of cover is blue.
Museum / institution
Mykolaiv Regional Museum of Culture and Traditions
Inventory number in the institution
КП-28 547 Д-15820
History, source, type and date of acquisition
From a Jewish family. Transferred by Folomyev Gennadiy from the city of Mykolaiv, 1985.
Production period
Religious holiday / lifecycle
for religious use
Religious holiday / lifecycle, comment
Machzor is used on Shavuot (Giving of the Torah) holiday, which is celebrated on the 6th of sivan according to the Jewish calendar.
the beginning of XX - the beginning of XX
cardboard, leathering, paper
Dimensions, cm
width: 22.50, height: 15.00, length: 2.30
Preservation condition
Description of the preservation condition
The spine of cover is damaged, scattered and yellowed pages, with folds at the edges and in the center. The pages from 282 to the end of book are lost. After the restoration the cover was replaced.
no restoration needed
Current location
on display
Since when displayed (year and month, the name of the exhibition or exposure)
з 2007 року. Виставка "200 років разом".
Treatment recommendations
The partial restoration has been performed.