Siddur "Mea Shearim"

(Bakhmach Historical Museum)
Siddur "Mea Shearim" ("Hundred Gates") is a Jewish prayer book.
The book ''Sto vrat" #1
The book ''Sto vrat" #2
Siddur "Mea Shearim" ("Hundred Gates") is a Jewish prayer book for every day. On the front page under the title of the book there is written that the prayers in siddur are arranged in accordance to the nusach of holy righteous Arizal by great sage, mentor and Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (the first Rebbe of Lubavitch, Alter Rebbe) who was the founder of the Hasidic movement Chabad. Also on the front page below there is an inscription that siddur contains the prayers for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in the order established by Alter Rebbe. The book cover is made of cardboard covered with a red cloth. The book was published in Berdichev.
Museum / institution
Bakhmach Historical Museum
Author, place of production
Production period
Religious holiday / lifecycle
for religious use
Religious holiday / lifecycle, comment
In the siddur there are the texts of the morning (Shacharit), afternoon (Mincha) and evening (Maariv) prayers on weekdays, shabbat and holidays, the texts of blessings (morning blessings, blessings before the meal and after it, blessings before the reading of the Torah, candle lighting blessings, blessings that are related to the events that accompany the various stages of Jewish life - circumcision, redeeming of firstborn, wedding, etc.), the order of the Havdalah ceremony, the bedtime prayers.
the beginning of XIX - end of XIX
cardboard, paper
Preservation condition
Description of the preservation condition
Without the front and some other pages.
Restoration is recommended.
Current location
in storage