Book of the Torah "Bemidbar"

(Mykolaiv Regional Museum of Culture and Traditions)

The book of the Torah "Bemidbar" ("Numbers").

Book prayers #1
Book prayers #2
Book prayers #3
Book prayers #4
Book prayers #5
Book prayers #6
Book prayers #7
Book prayers #8
Book prayers #9
Book prayers #10
Book prayers #11

The book of the Torah "Bemidbar" ("Numbers", the fourth book of the Pentateuch of Moses) in Hebrew with the text of targum Onkelos and commentaries of Rashbam, Baal HaToyrim, Rashi, Shiftey Chachamim, tosefot, Likutey Ikarim, Mishley Yehuda. On the last pages of the book there are the laws regarding the reading of the Torah on holidaysb and rosh chodesh. The typographic font of two types: the part of the text, namely the main text of the Torah in Hebrew is highlighted in capital letters and on the side from it there is the text of targum Onkelos (translation into Aramaic), and the part of the text (actually comments in Hebrew and in Yiddish) is printed in smaller letters. The cover of the book is homemade of cardboard, the spine of the cover and corners are made of cloth. There are 364 pages in this book.

Museum / institution
Mykolaiv Regional Museum of Culture and Traditions
Inventory number in the institution
КП-28 546 Д-15819
Author, place of production
History, source, type and date of acquisition
From a Jewish family. Transferred by Folomyev Gennadiy from the city of Mykolaiv, 1985.
Production period
Religious holiday / lifecycle
daily religious use
end of XIX - the beginning of XX
cardboard, leathering, paper, fabric
Dimensions, cm
width: 15.50, height: 2.50, length: 22.20
Preservation condition
Description of the preservation condition
Yellowed pages, glued, the front page and original cover are lost. The part of the book is missing that could be seen when looking at the spine. In the corners and in the center the cover is torn.
no restoration needed
Current location
on display
Since when displayed (year and month, the name of the exhibition or exposure)