
(Bakhmach Historical Museum)
Jewish prayer book with the texts of prayers and blessings.
book of Siddur #1
Siddur (Jewish prayer book on every day in Hebrew) in the cardboard cover. The image shows a page of the book where are the texts of the final blessings of the prayer "Birkat Hamazon" and blessing "Meein Shalosh" (after meals).
Museum / institution
Bakhmach Historical Museum
Author, place of production
Production period
Religious holiday / lifecycle
for religious use
Religious holiday / lifecycle, comment
In the siddur there are the texts of the morning (Shacharit), afternoon (Mincha) and  evening (Maariv) prayers on weekdays, shabbat and holidays, the texts of blessings (morning blessings, blessings before the meal and after it, blessings before the reading of the Torah, candle lighting blessings, blessings that are related to the events that accompany the various stages of Jewish life - circumcision, redeeming of firstborn, wedding, etc.), the order of the Havdalah ceremony, the bedtime prayers.
end of XIX - the beginning of XX
Preservation condition
Description of the preservation condition
The front page and part of the book containing the morning blessings, morning prayer and blessings before the meal and also the beginning of "Birkat Hamazon" prayer (blessing after the meal with bread) are missing.
Requires immediate restoration.
Current location
in storage