Tefillin scroll

(Zhytomyr Regional Museum of Culture and Traditions)
The parchment strip with the prayer text for tefillin.
The text in Hebrew #1
The text in Hebrew #2
The text in Hebrew #3
The text in Hebrew #4
The parchment strip with four rows of the text of the second passage of the prayer "Shema" in Hebrew for embedding into the box ("bayit") of tefillin.
Museum / institution
Zhytomyr Regional Museum of Culture and Traditions
Inventory number in the institution
ЖКМ КП 34408/1 І Д 6595
Author, place of production
History, source, type and date of acquisition
Found in the demolished building in the city of Zhytomyr in 1987.
Production period
Technique, comment
Text is written by sofer with indelible black ink on the parchment made of skin of kosher animal.
Religious holiday / lifecycle
daily religious use
Religious holiday / lifecycle, comment
Putting of tefillin on the head and on the left arm is the most important commandment from the Torah that Jewish men are required to perform on weekdays in the daytime with the corresponding blessing.
end of XIX - the beginning of XX
Dimensions, cm
width: 4.00, length: 62.00
Preservation condition
Description of the preservation condition
Splotches, gaps, folds of the parchment.
Restoration is recommended.
Current location
in storage